Saturday, August 23, 2014
Amazing Facts About Taj Mahal
Friday, March 28, 2014
Amazing Facts About Astronomy
1.If you
would place a pinhead sized piece of the Sun on the Earth you would(must) die
from standing within 145 km from it.
2.Space is not a complete vacuum, there are about 3 atoms per cubic meter of space.
3.Only 5% of the universe is made up of normal matter, 25% is dark matter and 70% is dark energy.
4.Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of them would be equal to the weight of the entire Earth’s population.
5.The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon but is 400 times further away from Earth making them appear the same size.
6.Helium is the only substance in the universe that cannot be in solid form.It can’t be cold enough.
7.The pistol star is the most luminous star known 10 million times the brightness of the Sun.
8.Saturn’s moon Titan has liquid oceans of natural gas.
9.All the planets are the same age: 4.544 billion years.
10.Earths moon was most likely formed after an early planet named Theia crashed into Earth.
11.About 8000 stars are visible with naked eye from Earth. 4000 in each hemisphere, 2000 at daylight and 2000 at night.
12.All the coal, oil, gas, wood and fuel on Earth would only keep the Sun burning only for few days.
13.A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.
14.When the Moon is directly above your head or if you stand at the equator, you weight slightly less.
15.Every year, the Moon is moving away from Earth by 3.85 centimeters.
16.The average galaxy contains only 40 billion stars.
17.While in space astronomers can get taller, but at the same time their hearts can get smaller.
18.Only half a billionth of the energy released by the Sun reaches Earth.
19.The light emitting from the Sun is actually 31000 years old.
20.There are at least 10^24 stars in the universe.
21.Any free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere due to surface tension.
22. When Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon for the first time, he said these famous words: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
2.Space is not a complete vacuum, there are about 3 atoms per cubic meter of space.
3.Only 5% of the universe is made up of normal matter, 25% is dark matter and 70% is dark energy.
4.Neutron stars are so dense that a teaspoon of them would be equal to the weight of the entire Earth’s population.
5.The Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon but is 400 times further away from Earth making them appear the same size.
6.Helium is the only substance in the universe that cannot be in solid form.It can’t be cold enough.
7.The pistol star is the most luminous star known 10 million times the brightness of the Sun.
8.Saturn’s moon Titan has liquid oceans of natural gas.
9.All the planets are the same age: 4.544 billion years.
10.Earths moon was most likely formed after an early planet named Theia crashed into Earth.
11.About 8000 stars are visible with naked eye from Earth. 4000 in each hemisphere, 2000 at daylight and 2000 at night.
12.All the coal, oil, gas, wood and fuel on Earth would only keep the Sun burning only for few days.
13.A full moon is nine times brighter than a half moon.
14.When the Moon is directly above your head or if you stand at the equator, you weight slightly less.
15.Every year, the Moon is moving away from Earth by 3.85 centimeters.
16.The average galaxy contains only 40 billion stars.
17.While in space astronomers can get taller, but at the same time their hearts can get smaller.
18.Only half a billionth of the energy released by the Sun reaches Earth.
19.The light emitting from the Sun is actually 31000 years old.
20.There are at least 10^24 stars in the universe.
21.Any free-moving liquid in outer space will form itself into a sphere due to surface tension.
22. When Neil Armstrong stepped on the Moon for the first time, he said these famous words: “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
23. The
distance to the planets is measured by bouncing radar signals off them and
timing how long the signals take to get there and back.
The red color of Mars is due to oxidized
iron in its soil.
The sun weights 2,000 trillion trillion
tones – about 300,000 times as much as the Earth – even though it is made
almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, the lightest gases in the Universe.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Amazing Facts About Plants!
- Bananas contain a natural chemical which makes people to feel happy.
- Brazil is named after a tree !
- The Amazon rainforest produces half the world’s oxygen supply.
- Cricket bats are made of a tree called Willow tree.
- Dendrochronology is the science of calculating a tree’s age by its rings !
- Caffeine serves the function of a pesticide in a coffee plant !
- Apple is 25% air, that is reason it floats on water !
- Peaches, Pears, apricots, quinces, strawberries, and apples are members of the rose family !
- Apple,potatoes and onions have the same taste, to test this eat them with you nose closed !
- The tears during cutting an onion are caused by sulphuric acid present in them !
- The tallest tree ever was an
Australian eucalyptus – In 1872 it was measured at 435 feet tall !
- Strawberry is the only fruit that bears its seeds on the outside.The average strawberry has 200 seeds !
- Leaving skin on potatoes while cooking is healthier as all the vitamins are in the skin !
- Around 2000 different types of plants are used by humans to make food !
- Small pockets of air inside cranberries cause them to bounce and float in water !
- Bamboo is the fastest-growing woody plant in the world; it can grow 35 inches in a single day !
- A sunflower looks like one large flower, but each head is composed of hundreds of tiny flowers called florets, which ripen to become the seeds !
- Cabbage has 91% water content !
- Banana is an Arabic word for fingers !
- The California redwood are the tallest and largest living organism in the world !
- There are more than 300,000 identified plant species and the list is growing all the time.
- Oak trees are struck by lightning more than any other tree !
- Carrots were originally purple in colour !
- During the 1600s, tulips were so valuable in Holland that their bulbs were worth more than gold. The craze was called tulip mania and caused the crash of the Dutch economy !
- The baobab tree found in Africa can store 1,000 to 120,000 litres of water in its swollen trunk !
- Oak trees don’t produce acorns until they are 50 years old !
- Caffeine serves the function of a pesticide in a coffee plant !
- At over 2000 kilometres long, The Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth !
- The first product to have a barcode was a gum !
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Amazing Facts About Oxygen
- Oxygen is the third most abundant chemical element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium.
- Its chemical symbol is O. atomic 8.
- Oxygen is an essential factor for burning up the body’s toxins & respiration.
- At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form di-oxygen, a colourless, odourless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2.
- Oxygen constitutes 49.2% of the Earth's crust by mass and is the major component of the world's oceans (88.8% by mass).
- Ordinary oxygen makes up approximately 21 percent of our Earth’s atmosphere (air).
- About 0.9% of the Sun's mass is oxygen.
- Humans inhale more than 6 billion tones of oxygen each year.
- Earth is unusual among the planets of the Solar System in having such a high concentration of oxygen gas in its atmosphere: Mars (with 0.1% O2 by volume) and Venus have far lower concentrations.
- About 2/3 of the human body contains oxygen or cells with oxygen on them.
- Ozone (O3) or trioxygen, is an allotropic form of oxygen that is more reactive than ordinary oxygen.
- Oxygen dissolves in water. Aquatic organisms (non-mammalian) depend on dissolved oxygen for their survival.
- Oxygen doesn't burn, but supports combustion.
- Lack of oxygen in the brain for 5 to 10 minutes results in permanent brain damage.
- Oxygen is essential for combustion. Liquid oxygen, combined with liquid Hydrogen, makes an excellent rocket fuel.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Amazing facts About India!
- India never invaded any country in last 10000 years of history.
- India has the largest number of Post Offices in the world.
- India exports software to more than 90 countries.
- India is the only country other than US and Japan, to have built a super computer.
- India has the second largest pool of Scientist and Engineers in the World.
- India is the largest English speaking nation in the world.
- There are over a million Indian millionaires.
- Surgeries were done in India over 2,600 years ago by Sushruta. He also developed Ayurveda and made records of several complicated surgeries and operations.
- India has the world’s largest movie industry.
- India has the world’s third largest road network at 1.9 million miles.
- India invented the Number System. The Zero was invented by Aryabhatta.
- BHASKARACHARYA calculated the time taken by the earth to orbit the sun in 5th century, hundreds of years before the (others) to be 365.258756484 days.
- The value of "pi" was first calculated by Budhayana and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians.
- Algebra, Trigonometry and Calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th century.
- Veterinary science was developed in India. SHALIHOTRA is considered the founder of Veterinary.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Amazing Facts About Human Body
1.Do You know ,you have no sense of smell when
you are sleeping!
2.Do You know ,you can see your nose all the time
but somehow your brain always ignores it.
3.We all blink after every few seconds, Blinking helps to wash tears over our
eyeballs.That keeps them clean and moist.
4.An average person has over 1,460 dreams a
year which is about 4 dreams every night!
5.On a clear night ,the human eye can see
between 2000 to 3000 stars in the sky.
6.Do you know the similarity between human body
and a banana? You will be amazed to know that 50% of human DNA is same as in
7.A human heart pumps enough blood to fill 100
swimming pools in an average lifetime.In the same time it will beat almost
three billion times.
8.While sleeping, one person out of every eight
snores, and one in ten grinds his teeth.
9.All babies are color blind when they are born
,so they only see black & white.
10.People with dark color skin wrinkle later
than the people having light color skins!
11.About 200 muscles are used when we take a single step!
12.The eyeball of a
human weighs approximately 28 grams.
13.People generally read 25% slower from a
computer screen compared to paper.
14.It is impossible to sneeze with
your eyes open !
15.An adult human body contains approximately
100 trillion cells!
16.Your tongue has 3,000 taste buds.
17.your brain is 80% water.
18.No pain in the brain! Do you know our brain
does not feel pain! Even though brain processes pain signals,the brain itself
actually does not feel pain.
19.Bones in an adult account for 14% of the
body's total weight.
20.The tips of your fingers have enough strength
to support the weight of your whole body.
21.When you are born with 300 bones in their
body, but as an adult you only have 206 bones. This happens because many of
them join together to make a single bone.
22.Our kidneys filter about 1.3 liters of blood
every minute & expel up to 1.4 liters of urine in a day.
23.The capacity of an adult human bladder ranges
from approximately 600 ml to 800 ml. The exact maximum capacity varies from
person to person. But remember that the essence to urinate is triggered when the
bladder contains about 100 to 200 ml , much lower than full capacity.
24.Every drop of blood in your body is filtered
by your body over 300 times a day.
25.Babies are born with pink lungs but they
darken in color as we breathe in polluted air.
26.Your right lung is bigger than left lung! The
left lung is small so as to adjust heart in that part !
27.Human hair and fingernails continue to grow
after death.
28.We make one litre of saliva a day.
29.When we touch something, we send a message to
our brain at 124 mph
30.Our blood is on a 60,000-mile journey per day.
30.Our blood is on a 60,000-mile journey per day.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Amazing Facts About Earth
![]() |
The Earth |
Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Unlike the other planets in the solar system that are named accordingly god or goddess. the Earth’s name comes from the Anglo-Saxon word erda which means ground or soil.
Information About Earth
Mass: 5,972,191,000,000,000 billion kg
Equatorial Diameter: 12,756 km
Polar Diameter: 12,714 km
Equatorial Circumference: 40,030 km
Satellites:The Moon
Orbit Distance: 149,599,500 km
Orbit Period: 365.26 Earth days
Surface Temperature: -89 to 58°
Equatorial Diameter: 12,756 km
Polar Diameter: 12,714 km
Equatorial Circumference: 40,030 km
Satellites:The Moon
Orbit Distance: 149,599,500 km
Orbit Period: 365.26 Earth days
Surface Temperature: -89 to 58°
Interesting Facts About Earth
1]The Earth’s rotation speed is slowing:
This is
happening very gradually, 17 milliseconds per hundred years, This directly
have the effect on lengthening our days, but it is too slowly that it
could be as much as 140 million years before the length of a day will have
increased by 1 hour & day is of 25 hours.
2]The Life on Earth:
Earth is
almost five billion years old, although life (life as we know it) has only
existed on the planet for the last 150 million to 200 million years. This means
that life has only been present on Earth for only 5%-10% of its lifetime.
3]The Center is very Hot:
The core
of earth is 7,600°c, hotter than the surface of the SUN.
4]Our close proximity prevents us from seeing
it entirely:
To completely view our own
planet, we must leave its surface and journey into space. From the particular
point from space we are able to see our planet globally,Viewing Earth from the
space provides the opportunity to see Earth as a whole.
5]the Earth has the greatest density:
The average density of the
Earth is approximately 5.52 grams per cubic centimeter.
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