Saturday, February 8, 2014

Amazing Facts About Oxygen

  1. Oxygen is the third most abundant chemical element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium.
  2.   Its chemical symbol is O. atomic 8.
  3.  Oxygen is an essential factor for burning up the body’s toxins & respiration.
  4.  At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form di-oxygen, a colourless, odourless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2.
  5. Oxygen constitutes 49.2% of the Earth's crust by mass and is the major component of the world's oceans (88.8% by mass).
  6. Ordinary oxygen makes up approximately 21 percent of our Earth’s atmosphere (air).
  7.  About 0.9% of the Sun's mass is oxygen.
  8. Humans inhale more than 6 billion tones of oxygen each year.
  9. Earth is unusual among the planets of the Solar System in having such a high concentration of oxygen gas in its atmosphere: Mars (with 0.1% O2 by volume) and Venus have far lower concentrations.
  10. About 2/3 of the human body contains oxygen or cells with oxygen on them.
  11. Ozone (O3) or trioxygen,  is an allotropic form of oxygen that is more reactive than ordinary oxygen.
  12. Oxygen dissolves in water. Aquatic organisms (non-mammalian) depend on dissolved oxygen for their survival.
  13. Oxygen doesn't burn, but supports combustion.
  14. Lack of oxygen in the brain for 5 to 10 minutes results in permanent brain damage.
  15. Oxygen is essential for combustion. Liquid oxygen, combined with liquid Hydrogen, makes an excellent rocket fuel.

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