- The Moon is approximately 238, 750 miles (384, 400 kilometres) from earth.
- The Moon’s size varies depends upon its position, whether it is at perigee or apogee. Generally, the Moon is 14% bigger in its size, when it is at its perigee.
- Temperatures on the Moon vary drastically, as there is no atmosphere on the Moon. The temperature ranges from temperatures -200°F to more than 200 °F.
- 3, 475 km is the diameter of the Moon, which is roughly four times smaller than Earth.
- From Earth, both the Sun and the Moon look about same size, this is because, the Moon is 400 times smaller than the Sun, but also 400 times closer to Earth.
- An astronaut’s footprint could last for millions of years, as there is no wind or water on the surface of the Moon.
- A full day on the Moon, lasts about 29 Earth days on an average, from one sunrise to next.
- We can see only one side of the Moon, and believe that there is a dark side of the Moon. But this is a myth because the Moon rotates around on its own axis in exactly the same time it takes to orbit the Earth.
- The Moon has weaker gravitational force than earth, it has only one sixth of Earth’s gravitational force, that is why astronauts can jump so high.
- 12 people set their foot on the Moon, and the interesting part is all are American males.
- The Moon is moving approximately 3.8 cm away from our planet every year
- Of the 6 flags planted on moon, 5 of them are still standing. But they became white due to radiation from the sun.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Amazing Facts About Moon
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